When the end is near, how can we help?

Hospice is about living life to the fullest until the very end. Too often, the clients we see are struggling with managed healthcare systems and restrictive HMOs, leaving them marooned on an island in a sea of red tape. They are tired, they are weary, and they need help. Pathways helps clients make the end of life as meaningful and as precious as the beginning.

When cure is no longer an option for a person living with a terminal illness, the Pathways Hospice program provides compassionate support for clients 18+ and their family members.

For family members, taking care of a dying loved one at home can be both scary and overwhelming. As the client’s advocates, Pathways steps in to provide a road map for families, showing them how to deal with doctors and talk to friends.

In addition, Pathways volunteers, working together with the hospice’s interdisciplinary healthcare team, offer comfort and companionship to these families. They read books, listen to stories, and run errands — all to help clients live fully and cherish their last moments in life with the people they love.

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Care Navigation


Children and Family-Based Bereavement